NCBI brings National Women’s Day celebration later into the month with Advocacy Talks  

Two female NCBI service users laughing as they engage in conversation while sitting at a coffee table

Monday 21st March 2022 – NCBI is bringing our International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration later into this month with our upcoming Advocacy Talks online event. In keeping with the #BreakTheBias theme of this year’s IWD, three women with vision impairments, will speak about their experiences of sight loss and how they fight daily to overcome the obstacles in their way.

 Aoife Watson, from NCBI’s Advocacy and Engagement Team, said: ‘Advocacy Talks are important monthly online events where NCBI advocates engage about important issues affecting them and the sight loss community as a whole. In celebrating International Women’s Day, which took place earlier this month, we’re also keen to understand from women about the challenges they face and how we can challenge the status quo. I’m looking forward to hearing from our advocates who will provide insights that should be just as important to the wider population as they are for the sight loss community.’

Registration for this online Advocacy Talks is completely free and can be done here.

NCBI’s Advocacy Talks events are held every month and details for upcoming topics can be found on the NCBI website’s events page. Those interested in listening back to previous Advocacy Talks sessions can do so on the NCBI YouTube channel.