To celebrate World Book Day 2019, the NCBI has announced three new Braille titles.
The NCBI know how important it is for children to read books that spark their imagination and sense of discovery and are proud to announce that these three titles will be available in Braille and on loan from the NCBI Library.
The Three books are:
- “Bumpfizzle the Best on Planet Earth” by Patrica Forde from Little Island Books;
- “Sam Hannigan’s Rock Star Granny” by Alan Nolan from The O’Brien Press;
- “Four Sisters, One Life” by 10 year old, vision impaired student, Annie Donnelly.
“Four Sisters, One Life” was written by Annie Donnelly, a 10 year old vision impaired student. This is her first published work through Emu Ink Schools’ Publishing Programme. As part of NCBI Library’s World Book Day celebrations, the NCBI are very proud to launch both Braille and Twin Vision copies of the “Four Sisters, One Life” for loan in the library.
NCBI Library Manager, Lina Kouzi said “NCBI Library are delighted to be celebrating World Book Day on the 7th of March 2019. This day has been celebrated annually for the past 22 years in Ireland, and the main objective of the Day is to encourage children to pick up a book and start reading. To celebrate World Book Day 2019, NCBI Library has worked closely with two publishing houses and a junior author to produce 3 accessible books for our young Library members.”
At the NCBI, we know that just because a person can’t see, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have a vision for their future. And we know how important books are to the development of bring, young minds.
Contact the NCBI Library for more information.