Depending on what life stage a child or young person is at when receiving their diagnosis, our dedicated team can assist. Simply call 1800 911 250 to find out more.

The Children and Young Person’s team will provide assessments and individualized intervention plans to help maximize your child’s potential. These are based on meeting the distinctive needs of visually impaired learners by following what is known as an “additional”,  “specialist” or “expanded” curriculum.

This approach is based on providing support and instruction which facilitates:

  • Access to learning= Environmental modifications, low vision/Braille tools e.g. magnifiers, Braille devices, large print, technology, personal supports e.g. SNA, inclusive practice.
  • Learning to access= Instruction which supports a child or young person to learn independence skills and develop personal agency which allows for more independent learning and social inclusion.

Dataflow -Take Action, Have Control, Assume resposibility, Influence, Be affective, in the centre, Agency

Children & Young People banner

Early Years

NCBI interventions in the early years are aimed at supporting the acquisition of overall child development skills unique to the needs of the child.

Our staff support and connect parents both locally and virtually to understand the impact of sight loss on development and work in partnership to create strategies and resources to build compensatory skills. Staff also support children to prepare for important transitions to preschool or primary school.

Click here and read more about Preparation for Primary School

Blue background with white writing saying; Will my child make friends? What supports are available?, How will my child move about safely?

School Age

The transition to formal education can be an exciting but worrying time for many parents as they prepare their child for increased independence and a new environment.

“I was so anxious about Paul moving to secondary school! But through NCBI, he got to trial and trained in different assistive technologies. He was brought around the school in advance so he could navigate safely. He was also connected with older students with vision impairments who gave him lots of advice about studying practical subjects and tips on making friends and telling people about his vision impairment. The move wasn’t without its challenges, but I needn’t have worried so.”
Sarah, Mum to Paul aged 13  

Braille Lego

18+ years 

Whether a young person is moving out of home, starting university, college, or further education, entering training or employment our team is available to provide support for these major life transitions. We work closely with young adults to ensure preparations begin in a timely manner. Our supports include:

  • Independent travel and using public transport
  • Meal preparation and independent living skills
  • Assistive technology
  • Self-advocacy

More about our services

Services Booklet